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The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.


  • Cancel Transfer
    • Only transfers which are not funded can be cancelled. Cancellation is final - it can not be undone.
  • Convert Across Balance Accounts
    • This endpoint allows the conversion of funds between two STANDARD balance accounts in different currencies. You first must generate a quote with "payOut": "BALANCE"
  • Create Account Details Order
    • Creates an order which will issue account details. It should use the same currency as the balance previously created. Fulfilling all the requirements will complete the order. That means reaching status DONE
  • Create Quote
    • Profile ID used in this call will define whether transfer is made on behalf of the person or business. Quote fetches current mid-market exchange rate that will be used for your transfer. Quote also calculates our fee and estimated delivery time.
  • Create Balance Account
    • This endpoint opens a balance within the specified profile, in the currency and type specified in the request. For STANDARD balances, only one can be created for a currency. For SAVINGS balances, multiples in the same currency can be opened. When sending the request, the currency and type are required. If creating a SAVINGS type balance, a name is also required
  • Create Email Recipient
    • If you don't know recipient bank account details you can set up email recipient so that Wise will collect bank details directly from the recipient. Wise will email your recipient with a link to collect their bank account details. Once your recipient provides bank account details securely to Wise we are able to complete your transfer
  • Create EUR Recipient
    • Send payments to Eurozone countries: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain. Private and business recipients are supported. Recipient type = 'iban' Required details: IBAN
  • Create GBP Recipient
    • Send payments to United Kingdom. Private and business recipients are supported. Recipient type = 'sort_code' Required details: sortCode, accountNumber OR Recipient type = 'iban' Required details: IBAN
  • Create Recipient Account
    • Recipient is a person or institution who is the ultimate beneficiary of your payment. Recipient bank account details are different for different currencies
  • Create Transfer
    • A transfer is a payment order to recipient account based on a quote. Once created, a transfer needs to be funded within the next five working days. Otherwise, it will be automatically canceled.
  • Delete a Balance
    • Close a balance account for the users profile. Balance accounts must have a zero balance in order for it to be closed. Bank account details for a balance account will also be deactivated and may not be restored in the future
  • Delete A Recipient Account
    • Deletes a recipient by changing its status to inactive. Only active recipients can be deleted and a recipient cannot be reactivated, however you can create a new recipient with the same details instead. Response is empty if delete succeeds. Requesting to delete recipient that is already inactive will return an http status 403
  • Delete webhook subscription for borderless deposit
    • Deletes a subscription by its identifier.
  • Fund Transfer
    • This API call is the final step for executing payouts, but is only required if you are settling transfers from a Wise multi-currency account. This is not required if you fund transfers using the following methods: BANK_TRANSFER - where you send the funds directly to Wise's bank account. TRUSTED_PRE_FUND_BULK - where you are using a prefunded bulk settlement approach. Another option unique to your integration.
  • Get Transfer Extra Info Dynamic Form
    • Expose all the specific requirements based on the sender, the specific quote and selected target recipient account.
  • Move Money Between Balances
    • This endpoint allows the following money movements: Add money to same-currency Jar (i.e move money from STANDARD to SAVINGS balance without conversion, amount is provided as request parameter); Add money to another-currency Jar (i.e. convert money, amount is determined by provided quoteId); Withdraw money from Jar (i.e move money from SAVINGS to STANDARD balance without conversion, amount is provided as request parameter).
  • Recipient Accounts Requirements-POST
    • The GET and POST account-requirements endpoints help you to figure out which fields are required to create a valid recipient for different currencies. You can use these data to build a dynamic user interface on top of these endpoints
  • Create subscription for borderless deposit
    • Create a profile subscription.


  • Generate GUID For Idempotency
    • You don't have to use an API for this - you can almost certainly do it in code. This is just for testing convenience.
  • Check account balance
    • Get available balances for all activated currencies in your account
  • Get Bank Account Details
    • This endpoint returns a list with all the AVAILABLE and ACTIVE account details for the given profile, including examples. Account receive options can also include local and international details to receive money on the currency balance
  • Get account statement
    • Get multi-currency account statement for one currency and for specified time range. Note that you can also download statements in PDF and CSV formats if you replace statement.json with statement.csv or statement.pdf respectively in the above URL
  • Get Balance Account by ID
    • This endpoint returns a balance based on the specified balance ID
  • Get List of Banks by Country Code
    • List of banks is available for these countries: BD, BR, CZ, CL, EG, GH, HK, ID, IL, IN, JP, KE, LK, MA, NG, NP, PE, PH, RU, SG, TH, VN, ZA
  • Get List of Countries
    • List of allowed countries to be used in recipient or user-profile addresses
  • Get List of States by Country Code
    • List of states is available for these countries: US, CA, BR, AU
  • Get Profile List
    • Get profile info by id. You only need to call this endpoint once to obtain your user profile id. Your personal and business profiles have different IDs
  • Get Receipt PDF
    • Download transfer confirmation receipt in PDF format for transfers that are in status outgoing_payment_sent
  • Get Recipient Account By Id
    • Get recipient account info by id
  • Get Recipient Creation Dynamic Form
    • You can use the data returned by this API to build a dynamic user interface for recipient creation.
  • Get transfer delivery time
    • Get the live delivery estimate for a transfer by the transfer ID. The delivery estimate is the time at which we currently expect the transfer to arrive in the beneficiary's bank account
  • Get webhook subscription by ID
    • Retrieves a subscription by its identifier
  • List Balance Accounts
    • Retrieve the user's multi-currency account balance accounts. It returns all balance accounts the profile has in the types specified. A parameter of type must be passed and include at least a single type. To return more than one type, comma separate the values. Acceptable values are STANDARD and SAVINGS
  • List Bank Account Details Orders
    • This endpoint returns the bank account assignment requests for a profile and multi-currency account
  • Get List of Branches by Country and Bank Code
    • List of bank branches is available for these countries: BD, GH, HK, IL, IN, JP, LK, SG, VN
  • List Recipient Accounts
    • Fetch a list of the user's recipient accounts. Use the currency and profile parameters to filter by currency and/or the owning user profile ID. This list does not currently support pagination, therefore if please filter by currency to ensure a reasonable response time
  • List Transfer
    • Get the list of transfers for given user's profile (defaults to user's personal profile). You can add query parameters to specify user's profile (personal or business), time period and/or payment status.
  • List webhook subscriptions
    • List all your subscriptions
  • Load Accounts
    • Account Load means the completion of a transfer of funds by a Person through the parent portal forming a part of the Product
  • Recipient Accounts Requirements-GET
    • This sample shows how to get account requirements for a specific currency route without referring to a particular quote but with the amount, source and target currencies passed as URL parameters
  • Recipient Accounts Requirements-GET
    • The GET and POST account-requirements endpoints help you to figure out which fields are required to create a valid recipient for different currencies. You can use these data to build a dynamic user interface on top of these endpoints
  • Simulate Transfer Processing
    • You can simulate payment processing by changing transfer statuses using these endpoints. This feature is limited to sandbox only
  • Track transfer status
    • You can check your latest transfer status by polling this endpoint

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